Wednesday, February 16, 2022

Reading Struggles

My dad admitted to me that he didn't like to read because he had problems remembering what he had just read. I think we can all relate to this to a certain point. Some people have Dyslexia or other learning difficulties that adds up to the difficulty of learning new things from books. I would argue, however, that most people don't have any problems other than they get discourage too easily when attempting to read a book. 

The following are things that anyone that wants to read anything should keep in mind and be at peace with:
  • You will not remember everything that you read: This is normal as not everything that you read will have a significant impact to leave a mark.
  • Not everything needs to be remembered: Authors usually adds a lot of "fluff" to books that don't necessarily need to be remembered.
  • You will not understand everything that you read: Some authors like to use fancy words to describe things which may confuse the reader.
  • It's okay to take notes of what's important: Taking notes is a great way to remember the parts that you actually need to have remembered. Some like to write notes, or highlight, directly in their books but I usually prefer having a notepad on the side where I'll write important paragraphs along with some thoughts.
Reading is a form of meditation and, like meditation, is something you get better with over time. Don't get discourage if you struggle with a book. Give it time and you'll get it!

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