Wednesday, December 27, 2023
Life Is Shorter Than We Think
Monday, December 25, 2023
Merry Christmas - 2023
Wednesday, December 20, 2023
The Secret to Mental Heath
- Physical Health - The relationship between body and the mind can't be understated. If you're body has problems, your mental state will have problems. Eat/sleep/exercise to help you body cope with the stress of life and give it a better chance at fighting the inner daemons.
- Meditation - Read good books, calm your mind, don't dwell on the negativity of your life.
- Shut off negativity - I know people that watch 8 hours a day of negative news and wonder why they don't feel the greatest? Limit your exposure to negativity; Sometimes this means to remove friends from your life or negative news.
- Financial stability - Financial stress is quite difficult to cope with. Learn to say no to the things that will bring you in unnecessary debt and ultimately clutter your life.
- Relationships - Having good friends does wonders to your mental health.
- Get out of the comfort zone - Comfort zone is comfortable but not really exciting. Doing something new will add "life" to your life.
- Therapy - If you struggle, seek professional help! Don't let those problems grow within your mind as they're easier to deal with when they're small than when they're fully ingrained.
Wednesday, December 13, 2023
Leaders Take Blame
Wednesday, December 6, 2023
They're Everywhere!
Wednesday, November 29, 2023
Is Cryptocurrency the Information Age's Ponzi Scheme?
Wednesday, November 22, 2023
The Inspiration Dilima
Wednesday, November 15, 2023
Death of the Experts?
- We need a change in the internet algorithm to minimize the spread of misinformation.
- While free speech doesn't allow us to censor misinformation, do we really need to put it on the front page?
- We need influencers to fact-check their messages.
- We need viewers to understand that what they see online isn't necessarily true and may just exist for the sake of generating views.
- We need everyone to prioritize facts over sensationalism.
Wednesday, November 8, 2023
How Dating Change With Age
- Kindness - Being kind is more difficult than being mean. Kindness shows that the person wishes to make good in the world and will likely add value to your life.
- Financial Stability/Discipline - Having a stable financial situation is better for relationships than not having a stable financial situation. The relationship is more likely to be peaceful if there's no needless debts.
- Sensitive to One's Own Health - Physical/mental health is an important part of the human experience. If you're dating someone that fail to see its importance then chances are high that you will need to deal with some form of negativity caused by it.
- Eternal Student - Nobody has all the answers. The student of life is someone that understands that learning doesn't end when high school ends - it ends when the student is dead. The person that is willing to learn will be more opened to learning/fixing relationship issues rather than push the blame.
Wednesday, November 1, 2023
No Energy for Enemies
Wednesday, October 25, 2023
This is a Reminder: Christmas is Coming!
Wednesday, October 18, 2023
Keep the Relationship Problems Private
Wednesday, October 11, 2023
How Addictions Kills Relationships...
- 8 hours of sleep.
- 8 hours of work.
- 1-3 hours food.
- ...
Wednesday, October 4, 2023
Constant Overtime isn't Worth the Sacrifice
It's not uncommon to see a person spending a lot of time at work in order to provide for his family. Sometime, however, it can be to such extreme that they eventually loose the family they were working so hard for.
Why is that?
What you focus on will grow whether it be work or the family. If you focus too much on the family, you may loose your job and if you focus too much on your job then you may loose your family. In the grand scheme of things, loosing a family is a lot more painful than loosing a job as you can always work for someone else but starting a new family is not always possible.
Remember that it takes about 2 weeks for an employer to replace an employee and the only people that will remember you doing overtime are your loved ones.
Find the proper balance that will insure the long term stability of your family. Don't be afraid to deny a promotion at work if it means you would require to spend more time at work at the expanse of your family.
Family comes first.
Wednesday, September 27, 2023
Make The World a Better Place By Contributing More!
Wednesday, September 20, 2023
Do we Really Not Know What Genders Are Anymore?"
Wednesday, September 13, 2023
Blood, Sweat and Steroids
- Posture/Muscle Physiology - The first plateau a bodybuilder will come across is related to muscle groups and how to work them out properly in order to make them grow.
- Nutrition - The second plateau a bodybuilder will hit is related to food. This is when the bodybuilder starts to understand the relationship between nutrition and fitness in order to progress through limitations.
- Supplement - Soon after the nutrition phase is figured out, the bodybuilder starts to understand the relationship between supplements and fitness. This is when protein powder, creatine, misc vitamins, pre/post workouts joins the diet.
- Drugs - After a while, the bodybuilder understands the limitations of food/supplement and may start looking for substances that are ultimately detrimental to health in order to move past further plateaus.
- You need to let your muscle rest on some days.
- You can't outwork a bad diet.
- It's about how you lift more so than how much you lift.
- It's about discipline/consistency.
- It's about paying attention to what you eat whether it be counting calories or grams of protein/vitamins.
- ...
Wednesday, September 6, 2023
Work Experience is Better than Certifications
Wednesday, August 30, 2023
Debt Should be Illegal
Wednesday, August 23, 2023
War Will Never End
Wednesday, August 16, 2023
What Would Be the Point of Money?
(Image created by A.I. DALL-E/Bing)
Governments are discussing ways to provide basic income. They understand that they’ll eventually be a need for this as all things productive will be handed over to various automated technologies.
When that day comes, what will even be the point of holding onto a monetary system? If money serves as a way to determine the value someone brings to society then what would be the purpose of it when the responsibility for production, or value, is handed over to automation?
We based our entire civilization on a system designed to encourage people to produce. If people are no longer required to produce then there’s no point to the system.
Intellectually speaking, we’re not ready for a system that would provide us with an excessive amount of leisure as we need goals in order to thrive. Money has provided us with a sense of purpose to the point that we can’t even imagine a world that wouldn’t require it to purchase something. How can we possibly “own” something without first exchanging dollars for it?
We would need to learn how to live in this new world which isn’t something easy to do when you consider that we’re creatures of habits and we’ve carried this habit for millennias. Eventually, however, the new system would become the new normal.
Wednesday, August 9, 2023
The Hollywood Strike May Loose to A.I.
With A.I., there’s no longer a need to have a room full of writers anymore. In-fact, there will be a day when we may no longer need actors or voice actors. The Hollywood strike, while necessary for those involved, may actually be speeding the transition towards those A.I. tools. The A.I. revolution we’re seeing here as a striking resemblance to the revolution that occurred in the early days of the car. Those responsible for horses and buggies were ultimately swallowed by progress.
The car revolution certainly wasn’t pleasant for those who were negatively impacted by it but the general public decided that cars were better than horses/buggies. A similar situation may be brewing with the Hollywood strike as well – does the general public really care that a script was written by a person rather than A.I.? Or acted using A.I. rather than a person?
I believe the general public wants more entertainment rather than less. We will see a day when entire movies will be created by a single person with the help of A.I. or made entirely by it.
Those artist may need to adapt to the changes in similar ways that those responsible for horses and buggies had to do. Some stayed in the industry until they no longer could and some were forced to join into the revolution or do something else.
Being a hobbyist writer myself, I do feel a sense of powerlessness with A.I. as it’s eating away one of the things I like to do and I know I will see the day when it will take over what I do for work as well. I don’t believe this is something we can fight as too many people will adopt it and we’ll effectively become the causalities of it.
Wednesday, August 2, 2023
Give No More than 100% at Work
(Image created by A.I. DALL-E/Bing)
In my 16 years career, I was layoff 3 times. The first time was due to a project ending and not having any other projects I could work on for the company. I had done a good enough job, however, that the CEO got in contact with another local company to give me a reference. Ultimately, I ended up getting my second job of my career that way. I stayed with this new company until it eventually closed 2 years later. Then I join a consulting company, that I still work for, but was also let go sometime in 2015 due to a slow couple of months and was brought back within a month.
What I’ve learned through these ordeals is simply this:
- Have some savings as you never know what could happen.
- Whether or not you give more than your 100% doesn’t really increases your chances of staying with a company that much.
What does giving your 100% even means?
It means to work when you’re supposed to work and not work when you’re not supposed to work. Staying up late every night will usually reward you with more work and doesn’t necessarily guarantee you won’t be let go if the business is in a tough financial situation. If you show more value than your peers, then you may have a better chance of not being let go but then the question becomes how much of yourself are you willing to sacrifice to remain at this company? If there’s a constant demand on you to work additional hours, just to keep on working there, then how long can you do this without having a negative impact on your personal life?
The work/life balance is something for each one of us to define. There’s nothing wrong with doing more than 100% just as much as there’s nothing wrong with NOT doing more than you’ve been asked to do. The most important thing is to work when you’re supposed to be working and add as much value as you can during that time.
Wednesday, July 26, 2023
A Relationship Not Based on Trust Isn't A Relationship
Wednesday, July 19, 2023
Future Contribution for Something Today
(Image created by A.I. DALL-E/Bing)
There’s a need for everyone to contribute to society. This isn’t a choice as much as a responsibility placed upon ourselves at birth. The concept of money is rooted in this ideology but we’ve pushed things too far with the introduction of debt – paying later for something now.
While some debt may be necessary, we’ve made it too accessible to the point that it’s a problem both from the perspective of the individual as well as a nation.
This can only get worse with time as debt is a lucrative business for banks. They created “credit scores” to determined how “risky” someone is with debt as well as debt packages that can be bought to make money off of.
If there’s money to be made with someone else’ debt then why wouldn’t they want more of it?
The “There’s good and bad debt” is wrong – all debts are bad. However, some debts are less bad than others. If you put yourself in debt to start your own business then we could argue that this isn’t as bad of a debt as buying a four-wheeler. If you buy yourself a house, we could argue that its better than to finance a vacation.
Ironically, the worse people to get in debt are those that don’t have money to begin with because if they fail to pay off that debt they may be loosing more than they bargained for. While banks are also not as willing to lend money to these people, for fear of not being able to get the money back, I would argue that they’ve been lending them money regardless as I know some people that have gone through a few bankruptcies and still seems to be able to get into debt. Perhaps those are the people that banks want to do business with most as they have an excuse to charge excessive fees and interests rates on these debts.
Debt is a form of slavery – avoid it as much as you can.
Wednesday, July 12, 2023
To Have Children or Not Have Children – That is the question
(Image created by A.I. DALL-E/Bing)
All over the world, young adults forgo having children either because they can’t afford it, they don't want the responsibility or they simply can't. It’s easy to say that you don’t want children when the possibility to conceive is still there but it will become harder in the event that you change your mind and you want to have children and you’re no longer able to have any.
I recently saw an interview that said if an adult is to regret not having children he will start feeling that way at around 45 years old – way past their prime. If we think about it, where are we in life when we’re 45? Chances are high that one, or both, of our own parents are gone and we have a much more difficult time making friends than we did during our youth. The reality of loneliness may be dawning on us hence why we may start regretting not having children. After all, if you would of had your children when you were in your 20s they would be in their mid 20s when you’re in the verge of tackling the last part of your life and they could be people to help you through the lonely years.
Having children doesn’t necessarily guarantee a relationship in your later years, however, has there’s always a possibility that the relationship with the child goes sour as humans make mistakes some of which are more difficult to forgive than others.
My sister, who works at an assisted living home, said that old people that don’t have any family are generally happier once they end up in assisted living homes. She said the reason for this is because they know nobody is going to visit them. If you don’t expect any visit then you can’t be disappointed when you don’t have any. Chances are high that they’ve found peace with their situation earlier and they’ve been able to move past it.
If it’s true that happiness comes from within, and isn’t generated by external factors, then happiness doesn’t come from whether or not you have children – in either cases you need to find happiness internally.
Your life can be miserable with children just as much as it can be filled with happiness without having any.
Whatever you decide to do with your life is up to you and it can be fulfilling with children just as much as without it. The only difference is the work to attain that fulfillment will differ with or without children.
Wednesday, July 5, 2023
Why Do We Still Need Pharmacists for Pills?
(Image created by A.I. DALL-E/Bing)
Wednesday, June 28, 2023
Exercising, Energy & Production
(Image created by A.I. DALL-E/Bing)
What's better?
Spending an hour at the gym or spending an hour walking around town picking up litter? Spending an hour at the gym or building a patio or cutting wood for the winter season? On one side, you go to a place where you do nothing but spend energy and on the other you spend energy and you contribute something.
Having spent the better part of my 20s at gyms, I can tell you that it isn't bad at all. There's a mediation aspect to working out at gyms and it's a great place to connect socially with people of similar interests. Now that I'm older, however, and have a better grasp of how limited energy/life is I tend to want to do exercises that also produces something of value to me.
The obvious issue, if the goal is to exercise and be productive at the same time, is to find activities that satisfies both requirements. While it’s not always possible to do so, I would encourage you to put some thought into it as working out for the sake of working out is good but working towards something is best.
Wednesday, June 21, 2023
Not Where We Want to Be
Wednesday, June 14, 2023
Where we Get our Answers
Wednesday, June 7, 2023
Start Small
Wednesday, May 31, 2023
Women - If it's Important Then Keep It Simple
Wednesday, May 24, 2023
Humanity Needs Freedom to Reach the Stars
Wednesday, May 17, 2023
Would Alcohol Be Popular Without Advertising?
(Image created by A.I. DALL-E/Bing)
People start drinking because if the advertisement surround it. Every alcohol commercial shows people having a great time and that’s essentially what people are buying into. They don’t buy alcoholism, they don’t buy the bitter taste, they don’t buy “fun”, they certainly aren't buying the "health" benefits.
While I doubt we’ll ever see the day when alcohol will go away entirely, my hope is that we find ways to enjoy ourselves without it as it tends to bring out the worse in us. It's illegal for cigarettes companies to advertise their products... why isn't there similar restriction on alcohol?
Wednesday, May 10, 2023
Why We Fear A.I.
Programs are created by programmers to fulfill specific purposes that are predictable. A.I. may be feared today because it’s code that has a degree of unpredictability to it.
When you use a search engine, the search functionality looks for the keywords you’ve inputted and returns results that most closely relates to them. Even if you may not know what it will return, you know how the information is gathered - it’s predictable.
When using an A.I., the results contains additional content that, while helpful, is unpredictable and may differ from one result to another for the same keywords. Getting results from the A.I. of today most closely resemble a discussion with a subject matter expert than a typical search engine.
Another reason why people fear A.I. is because of the jobs that it will, inevitably, replace. If you wonder which job are going to be replaced first just think about what information you're looking for with the A.I. that's available to day. Chances are high that who ever would of provided that information to you, in-lieu of A.I., is negatively impacted by it already. It's kind of difficult, for example, to justify going to a fitness professional to design a workout plan when the A.I. is perfectly capable of creating one. While it may not be perfect - it's something, that's free, and something is better than nothing.
Wednesday, May 3, 2023
For A.I. Data is Everything
(Image created by A.I. DALL-E/Bing)
- A Dataset: The information the A.I. looks through to answer its queries.
- A.I. Framework: The code responsible to transform the input request into computer language, search through data and transform it into an answer that a user can understand.
- Input Source: Anything that can be digitized can be used as an input for A.I. (Audio, Video, Text...etc.)
Wednesday, April 26, 2023
Entertainment Isn't a Cure For Boredom
(Image created by A.I. DALL-E/Bing)
It's relatively easy to entertain ourselves as we carry around devices with endless possibilities for it. Endless entertainment, however, isn't a cure for boredom and could be the cause of it. I recently had a chat with my dad who wondered how people could live 50-100 years ago without all the technologies that we have today. "They probably were bored to death" he said but were they really?
100 years ago, most families were farmers and their days were filled with tasks pertaining to caring for their families. They were busy doing things for their survival. If they had periods of boredoms it must of been relatively short compared to today. People back then got their entertainment from family gatherings or events and was in relatively short supply compared to today.
As soon as we get out of bed in the morning, we reach for our phones to get that little jolt of "dopamine". Throughout the day, we do other activities in an attempt to keep our level of dopamine high and as soon as it's not at the level we're used to we feel bored.
If you entertain yourself to the point where your life feels numb and you're bored of it you need to get rid of that entertainment. Many have said that by limiting their exposure to such things as video games have made them more appreciative of the media when they tried it again. Some have also said that removing entertainment from their lives have made them appreciate other things they didn't really pay attention to before.