Wednesday, May 31, 2023
Women - If it's Important Then Keep It Simple
Wednesday, May 24, 2023
Humanity Needs Freedom to Reach the Stars
Wednesday, May 17, 2023
Would Alcohol Be Popular Without Advertising?
(Image created by A.I. DALL-E/Bing)
People start drinking because if the advertisement surround it. Every alcohol commercial shows people having a great time and that’s essentially what people are buying into. They don’t buy alcoholism, they don’t buy the bitter taste, they don’t buy “fun”, they certainly aren't buying the "health" benefits.
While I doubt we’ll ever see the day when alcohol will go away entirely, my hope is that we find ways to enjoy ourselves without it as it tends to bring out the worse in us. It's illegal for cigarettes companies to advertise their products... why isn't there similar restriction on alcohol?
Wednesday, May 10, 2023
Why We Fear A.I.
Programs are created by programmers to fulfill specific purposes that are predictable. A.I. may be feared today because it’s code that has a degree of unpredictability to it.
When you use a search engine, the search functionality looks for the keywords you’ve inputted and returns results that most closely relates to them. Even if you may not know what it will return, you know how the information is gathered - it’s predictable.
When using an A.I., the results contains additional content that, while helpful, is unpredictable and may differ from one result to another for the same keywords. Getting results from the A.I. of today most closely resemble a discussion with a subject matter expert than a typical search engine.
Another reason why people fear A.I. is because of the jobs that it will, inevitably, replace. If you wonder which job are going to be replaced first just think about what information you're looking for with the A.I. that's available to day. Chances are high that who ever would of provided that information to you, in-lieu of A.I., is negatively impacted by it already. It's kind of difficult, for example, to justify going to a fitness professional to design a workout plan when the A.I. is perfectly capable of creating one. While it may not be perfect - it's something, that's free, and something is better than nothing.
Wednesday, May 3, 2023
For A.I. Data is Everything
(Image created by A.I. DALL-E/Bing)
- A Dataset: The information the A.I. looks through to answer its queries.
- A.I. Framework: The code responsible to transform the input request into computer language, search through data and transform it into an answer that a user can understand.
- Input Source: Anything that can be digitized can be used as an input for A.I. (Audio, Video, Text...etc.)