Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Respect the Weights

A few years ago, I was working out with a guy who's philosophy was to lift as heavy as possible - all the time and he ended up being pain.
The internet is full of people who got injured at the gym. There are ways to minimize the risk of injuries while working out. The below are things to consider when lifting weights:

  • No ego lifting - Don't lift more than you can comfortably lift unless you have a spotter or are using a machine with safety features.
  • Lift weights using proper posture.
  • Lift with your knees.
  • Understand 10lbs can be the difference between a good or a bad posture.
  • You need a diet that supports the workout.
  • Don't overdo it.
  • The only person you're competing against is you.
  • Don't underestimate the importance of sleep and recovery period.
  • Use belts/harness/support when appropriate.
Respect the weights essentially means to pay attention to what you're doing with them. Focus on what you're doing while you're at the gym.

Be safe while working out!

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