Wednesday, August 7, 2024

War Has Changed?

Many species on Earth wage wars however we're the only specie that can choose not to and it's entirely possible that we'll, eventually, favor lasting peace over war.

Who said that war doesn't change?

We can see a glimpse of this peaceful future by the sort of rules we've created for waging wars. We've restricted the weapons that we can use, the sort of punishment we can do on prisoners, we don't allow unnecessary destruction of civilian housing, we allow temporary truce in the middle of a conflict for aid to go through...
War is still has painful as it ever was but we have deemed it necessary to restrict ourselves on some things and that restriction can either grow to the point of lasting peace or decrease to the point of anarchy. 

We live in a relatively peaceful time in our history. Violence, in democracy/industrialized society, is not as prevalent as it once was. We've created global alliances that greatly reinforced the relationship between countries and, at the same time, decrease conflict between them. 

Hopefully we can maintain this trend and find ways to get along.

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