Wednesday, December 4, 2024

There's Always Going to Be Someone Better

When in a relationship you can always find someone "better" if you keep looking. They're not necessary better, but they're new and exciting - just like a new car. Once the excitement is gone... onwards to the next relationship and the cycle continues until such time as the desire to do so is still there.

"The grass is greener where you water it."
-Neil Barringham

The choice of a partner is the most important decision that we can make. If we don't find someone that adds to our peace then our life will become miserable. While there's always a possibility that we're still looking because we feel like we've made the "wrong choice" it's also possible that we're just bored and looking for something new and exciting which doesn't, usually, end up with anything meaningful. 

You can't go back on these decisions.

There's always going to be someone better which is why that, at some point, we must decide to no longer pursue another mate if, of course, there's desire to build a long/lasting relationship.

The person who's comfortable being alone tends to think more clearly about his association as they don't want anyone that would disturb their peace too much. Once older, we're also prone to be more careful with our intimate association as our testosterone level (men) are lower which, again, is something that allows us to think more clearly about relationships.

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