Wednesday, December 25, 2024

Wars are Costly

"who wishes to fight must first count the cost."
-Sun Tzu

If WW3 were to start tomorrow, the U.S. would start the war with a 96 TRILLION dollar debt. While they certainly would stop the payments of that debt and freeze everyone's assets, for the duration of the war, sooner rather than later the debt will become a problem for their economy.

"There is no instance of a country having benefited from a prolonged warfare."
-Sun Tzu

America's biggest weakness, and most exploitable by a possible enemy, is its economy. They can't afford to partake in prolonged wars. Whether they win or loose doesn't really change the fact that they're unlikely to recover, financially, from it. Maybe there's solace in thinking that every country is also facing similar situations.

My dad used to tell me how, after WW2, people were using government provided tickets to "purchase" food. You couldn't buy more and it was usually not enough to feed the entire family on its own (luckily they had a farm).
Following the next major war, it's very likely that a similar system will be implemented and I suspect it will be increasingly difficult for Countries to get back onto the same monetary system considering the sheer amount of debt tied to it.

Wednesday, December 18, 2024

Imaginary Enemies

In Pirates of the Caribbean, we sympathize with the Pirates when in reality they're the enemy. They plunder, rape, kill and do all sorts of other troublesome things. With a good enough story, our moral compass can sway which ever direction the author chooses.

The same thing is happening in real life...

The enemies are created by bad actors that have found their way into politics. They're the ones saying that Jews/Muslims/French/Russians/British... are bad people. They repeat the lies at such a grand scale, so often, that it becomes believable.

"...demonizing an dehumanizing a group can pave the way toward harming its members."
-Steven Pinker

There's always a possibility that a supposed enemy is actually evil but it's mostly a matter of perspective or gaining power; Divide to conquer is a tactic as old as civilization itself. We only ever hear one side of a story and for each fingers we point at someone, 3 more are pointing in our direction. Nazi soldiers believed themselves to be fighting for the greater good. Which side, good or evil, we're on always depends on who we're listening to but only the winning side gets to choose how they'll be remembered.

Wednesday, December 11, 2024

Forever "Cringe"

When I was a kid, I fabricated a story where my cousin Marc created a club for which I would go at night and all sorts of crazy things would be happening (alien encounters, development of secret weapons...) All of this was made up and pretty "cringe".

I would tell these stories to my friends and most wouldn't believe me (of course).

It's not uncommon for a kid to create stories but fast forward 20+ years and nobody remembers, or cares about, my cringy stories. While I may of gotten some weird looks from my schoolmates, these ended when I got home.
Nowadays, you have kids share these stories online for the entire world to see which opens the doors for bad actors to embarrass the author - online/at home/forever.

It's a lot more difficult to be a kid today than it use to be. Cringy stories are forever recorded into the annals of the Internet. The school bullies have made their way into the homes.
Parents have a responsibility to limit their child's online activities until such times as they get a better feel of what it means to be human and partake in a society with its good and bad actors.

Wednesday, December 4, 2024

There's Always Going to Be Someone Better

When in a relationship you can always find someone "better" if you keep looking. They're not necessary better, but they're new and exciting - just like a new car. Once the excitement is gone... onwards to the next relationship and the cycle continues until such time as the desire to do so is still there.

"The grass is greener where you water it."
-Neil Barringham

The choice of a partner is the most important decision that we can make. If we don't find someone that adds to our peace then our life will become miserable. While there's always a possibility that we're still looking because we feel like we've made the "wrong choice" it's also possible that we're just bored and looking for something new and exciting which doesn't, usually, end up with anything meaningful. 

You can't go back on these decisions.

There's always going to be someone better which is why that, at some point, we must decide to no longer pursue another mate if, of course, there's desire to build a long/lasting relationship.

The person who's comfortable being alone tends to think more clearly about his association as they don't want anyone that would disturb their peace too much. Once older, we're also prone to be more careful with our intimate association as our testosterone level (men) are lower which, again, is something that allows us to think more clearly about relationships.

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