Wednesday, February 5, 2025

If You Can't Do the Time, Don't Do The Crime

I recently had a chat with an ex-convict who told me about her past of crime and I was surprised at how much time was lost through the ordeal. Time is the most important resource we have and we're free to do what we want with it. When we're in prison, our life is on hold until such time as we've repaid society for the troubles we've caused - sometimes this can mean that we've missed out on important life events such as, in this case, finding a suitable mate to build a family with. Motherhood is one goal that she likely won't be able to experience.

If your goal is to be a mother you don't need to spend time in prison to miss out - spending time in unrelated activities can also yield the same result. The difference here is, of course, that you prioritized other things rather than been forced out of your goal while spending time in prison.

Why someone ends up in prison varies but if time has any value to you, then you will see prison as a complete waste of it and do what is necessary not to end up there. 

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