“Religion, is a mistake of geography. If you where born in America you are Christan, if you where born in the middle east you are Muslim, China Buddha, and before that Zeus, Thor, and people believed that the earth was flat and the sun went around the earth, though they where wrong & not only that but all of these things have no evidence.”
-Richard Dawkins
-Richard Dawkins
Let us suppose that Christian leaders of ancient times managed to sway people's beliefs towards Christianity and that today its become the biggest religion in the world. Does that necessarily mean that Christianity is true?
"The majority is always wrong; the minority is rarely right."
-Henrik Ibsen
Having the majority believe in something without facts doesn't make it true but the opposition, being so great, may make it difficult for any competing ideas to take flight. Scientists of the middle ages were censored when they made discoveries that were against the popular religious beliefs of the day. Time has proven them right regardless but sometimes I wished we lived in a world where we would be more opened to challenge our own beliefs rather than discourage who ever is doing it. Let's constantly improve both ourselves and the society that we live in.
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